Suffolk Kite Flyers Club Child Protection Policy
Policy statement & aims
The Suffolk Kite Flyers Club (SKF) has a duty of care to safeguard all children involved in the SKF from harm. All children have a right to protection, and the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.
The SKF will ensure the safety and protection of all children involved in the SKF through adherence to the Child Protection guidelines adopted by the SKF. A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 (The Children Act 1989).
Note: at this current time SKF does not undertake D&BS checks, thus the club cannot take responsibility of child members. Consequently children can only attend SKF events when accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Policy aims
The aim of the SKF Child Protection Policy is to promote good practice:
providing children and young people with appropriate safety and protection whilst attending SKF club events
allow all members /volunteers to make informed and confident responses to specific child protection issues
Good practice guidelines
All personnel should be encouraged to demonstrate exemplary behavior in order to promote children’s welfare and reduce the likelihood of allegations being made. The following are common sense examples of how to create a positive culture and climate.
Good practice means:
Always working in an open environment (e.g. avoiding private or unobserved situations and encouraging open communication with no secrets).
Treating all young people/disabled adults equally, and with respect and dignity.
Always putting the welfare of each young person first, before winning or achieving goals.
Maintaining a safe and appropriate distance with members (e.g. it is not appropriate for members or volunteers to have an intimate relationship with a child or to share a room/tent with them).
Building balanced relationships based on mutual trust, which empowers children to share in the decision-making process.
Making sport fun, enjoyable and promoting fair play.
Ensuring that if any form of manual/physical support is required, it should be provided. Young people and their parent/guardian should always be consulted and their agreement gained.
Keeping up to date with technical skills, qualifications and insurance in the sport.
Involving the parent/guardian wherever possible. For example, encouraging them to take responsibility for their children.
Ensuring that at social or club events, whether at Stonham Barns or elsewhere, adults should not enter children’s rooms/tents or invite children into their rooms/tents.
Being an excellent role model - this includes not smoking or drinking alcohol in the company of young people.
Giving enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.
Recognising the developmental needs and capacity of young people and disabled adults - avoiding excessive training or competition and not pushing them against their will.
Securing parental consent in writing to act in loco parentis, if the need arises to administer emergency first aid and/or other medical treatment.
Keeping a written record of any injury that occurs, along with the details of any treatment given.
Requesting written parental consent if club officials are required to transport young people in their cars.
Practices to be avoided
The following should be avoided except in emergencies. If cases arise where these situations are unavoidable it should be with the full knowledge and consent of someone in charge in the club or the child’s parent/guardian:
avoid spending time alone with children away from others
avoid taking or dropping off a child to an event or activity
Practices never to be sanctioned
The following should never be sanctioned. You should never:
engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games, including horseplay
share a room/tent with a child
allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching
allow children to use inappropriate language unchallenged
make sexually suggestive comments to a child, even in fun
reduce a child to tears as a form of control
fail to act upon and record any allegations made by a child
do things of a personal nature for children or disabled adults, that they can do for themselves
N.B. It may sometimes be necessary for staff or volunteers to do things of a personal nature for children, particularly if they are young or are disabled. These tasks should only be carried out with the full understanding and consent of the parent/guardian and the members involved.
There is a need to be responsive to a person’s reactions. If a person is fully dependent on you, talk with him/her about what you are doing and give choices where possible. This is particularly so if you are involved in any dressing or undressing of outer clothing, or where there is physical contact, lifting or assisting a child to carry out particular activities. Avoid taking on the responsibility for tasks for which you are not appropriately trained.
Incidents that must be reported/recorded
If any of the following occur you should report this immediately to a member of the committee or responsible third party and record the incident. You should also ensure the parent/guardian of the child are informed:
if you accidentally hurt a club member
if he/she seems distressed in any manner
if a club member appears to be sexually aroused by your actions
if a club member misunderstands or misinterprets something you have done.